Differences Then and
Stearns, a 1926 St. Paul's Hospital School of Nursing graduate, offers insight
into some early nursing methods. Her experiences are quite different
from modern nursing methods. The use of technology and pharmaceuticals
has exploded since her time and has changed the entire medical world, including
the way nurses do their jobs. For example, in the 1920s hospitals were
cleaned in a very different way than they are today:
"If a patient
had had a staph infection or infection of some other nature, when the patient
left the ward was sealed. Cotton batting was put all around windows,
doors and keyhole. Before sealing the bottom of the door, a Formaldehyde
solution had to be put in a large basin and placed in the middle of the ward. All
utensils, sheets and blankets, towels, etc., were left in the ward. Then
the bottom of the door was sealed and left for forty-eight hours. Lysol
and Creolin Carbolic were disinfectants. We had to learn to use our
heads, hands and feet and observe as we went along" (Stearns, 1).
recounts various treatments that were used in her day:
There were no Sulpha
or Antibiotics or fancy equipment in those days. They
were the days of Sinapisms (mustard plasters), Camphorated oil, Murphy (Saline
solution) drips, Interstitials, Dakin's solution (a strong disinfectant) for
compresses and irrigations, hot turpentine stupes (flannel for fomentations)
for abdominal distention from Peritonitis, and soap suds enemas, 1/60 grain
Strychnine subcutaneously, Camphor in oil, Luminal and Phenobarbital used mostly
as a sleeping pill or to relieve tension, Digitalis, Aloin, Strychnine, Belladonna,
and Cascara pills, liquid Cascara, III grain tablets of Cascara, Castor oil,
Magnesium Sulphate or Phenolphthalein for bowels, molasses and milk enemas
for flatulence. They were tricky to make; if it curdled you had to make
another one. There were glass and metal catheters. Some hospitals
did not allow nurses to use glass catheters, only doctors could use them,
but we were taught how to use them (Stearns, 2).
memoirs are fascinating and they give the modern world a glimpse at what it was
like to practise nursing in Saskatchewan in the early years.