Polio in Saskatchewan
"It was
a terrible epidemic everywhere. And they really didn't know what caused
polio. They didn't know how it was transmitted, and they, therefore,
didn't know how to protect people" (Interview: Lucy Willis)
In the
early 1950s, Saskatchewan experienced a polio epidemic. Polio patients
were kept in isolation units in hospitals across the province, sometimes having
to be flown there from smaller centres. Nurses, primary caregivers
for polio patients, were putting themselves in danger as there was no immunity
or vaccinations for the disease at the time.
Polio was
not a disease that struck one segment of the population - everyone was susceptible. Georgiana
Chartier, a nurse in training in St. Paul's Hospital at the time of the epidemic
remembers going home at the end of the day with an ache or a pain in the leg
and wondering if she had caught the disease.
She also
recounts a heart-wrenching story of one of the deaths from polio in the isolation
unit: "That was very sad. It was weird because it was just a young girl. She
must have been six or seven. And before we were going off for supper,
she wanted -- she was in the lung, and she was talking to somebody, and she
had -- I don't know if it was a doll or a toy, and she wanted to give it away. And
it was kind of weird because we went for supper and there were other people
on, and we came back and she had died in the -- at that -- I think before we
got back. And it was sad because you had to, you know, have her parents
come in to see her type thing and it was tough, you know. But we didn't
-- I don't remember a lot of deaths, like when we were there. I think
the main epidemic may have been over at that time, to tell the truth" (Interview:
Georgiana Chartier)
Chartier does
not remember many deaths from the disease; many of the patients she met in the
isolation ward recovered and went on to live productive lives. But there
were a few who didn't make it, like the little girl she will never forget.