LSD Trials in Saskatchewan
the 1950s, Saskatchewan Psychiatrists Humphry Osmond and Abram Hoffer reported
unprecedented recovery rates for alchoholics. Their method? D-lysergic
acid diethylamide, more familiarly known as LSD.
article published in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry states:
trials indicated that the drug had the potential to improve mental health
care, advancing a theory that explained mental illness as the manifestation
of metabolic functions. This assertion pointed to the possibility that mental illness
was inherently a biological entity and thus could be studied and ultimately treated
with the latest medical technology...In a province committed to establishing sweeping
health care reforms, the mere possibility that Saskatchewan-based researchers
might be developing cures for mental illness generated unparalleled political
support (Dyck, 384). The primary idea was to use LSD as a curative therapy, but
secondarily it was given to health care workers in an attempt to gain insight
into the mind of the mentally ill. Osmond first tested the effects of
the drug on himself. It was thought that the heightened
awareness brought on by the drug would increase workers' empathy for their
Regina, some nurses in the Monroe Wing of the Regina General Hospital took LSD
for the purposes of these experiments. Approximately ten nurses took the
drug while they were heavily supervised. Bonnie Kalk explains that the
experience was really quite a positive one because it did provide insight that
could not be gained any other way. Similar experiments were also carried
out at the Weyburn Hospital.
the rise of LSD as a street drug and a number of cases of LSD-induced criminal
acts, the drug was banned as an illegal substance in the United States. Experiments
thus ceased in the late 1960s. However, there are still those who argue
that LSD works as both a curative therapy and a way to create more empathy for
patients amongst health care workers.