About 100 Years of Nursing

For the past century Registered nurses and Registered Psychiatric Nurses have provided care to the families, to the sick and injured of Alberta and Saskatchewan. At the bedside, on the homestead, at the war front and in the hectic ER, nurses have comforted and cared.

This project celebrates the Alberta and Saskatchewan Centennials and the contribution to this history from the tens of thousands of nurses who have called these provinces home.

The Saskatchewan Union of Nurses and the United Nurses of Alberta wanted to commemorate the Centennials. With the support of Canadian Heritage we have produced this website and accompanying DVD to tell some of the courageous and caring stories of the provinceU+2019s nurses.

This is NOT a comprehensive history. We have only captured just a few of the thousands of stories of nurses working in the homes and hospitals of the prairies. Many, many other heart-warming stories of the care provided by nurses exist but cannot all be told here.

But, each member of our team has been moved by the power and intensity of the stories, photos, and audiovisual material that we have managed to assemble. We hope you will share in our excitement and pride in the remarkable contribution that nurses have made to this important century in our provinces.

In the short time frame available for this project, we have done our best to ensure accuracy; however, the volume of material means that some errors will have necessarily slipped through. We appreciate hearing about any of these errors.

We must thank the many, many people in both provinces who assisted in this compilation, either in telling their stories or by providing material. And thank you to Canadian Heritage for supporting this project.

For more on the development of this project, please see the producers' notes from Larry and Keith. Also, a great number of people and organizations helped to pull this together. Please see the credits.



Browse the history of nursing in Saskatchewan and Alberta by timeline.

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Browse the history of nursing in Saskatchewan and Alberta by the following Themes

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While 100 Years of Nursing is rich in words, these images encapsulate raw emotions and moments beyond verbal expression.

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The passionate stories of nursing as told by nurses themselves.

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Gratitude to our contributors

A celebration of the contributions over the last one hundred years of Registered Nurses and Registered Psychiatric Nurses in Alberta and Saskatchewan. A Centennial project of the United Nurses of Alberta and the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses..

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